內蒙草原的故事 发表评论 / 作者: Kin / 2021年9 月14日 2021年夏天我们在内蒙希拉穆仁草原过了19天的故事。 我们找了大半天最后选择了这个由牧民家开,没有招牌没有地址的蒙古包民宿We stayed in this Mongolian tent site owned by a herdsman family 开始了我们在草原上的生活Where our grassland story began 能找到这里是因为这棵在远处就能看到的大树,树下是义工们住宿和厨房。We found this tent site because of the big tree which stands out from very far away 我们住的蒙古包和右面的餐厅The Mongolian tent that we lived in and in the right hand side is a restaurant. 每天看到住在大树里无数的乌鸦自由地飞Everyday we saw the clan of crows which live in the tree fly freely. 遇上这些在民宿帮忙的年轻义工们,和他们分享了一段时光After meeting them, we decided to stay with these volunteers of tent site. 看草原的日出Watched grassland sunrise 黄昏Dusk 日落Sunset 牧场女主人李阿姨和义工小初在厨房里Inside the kitchen were the pasture farm owner, Auntie Li, and a volunteer Chu 小钟给客人上菜Zhong serving a dish 星空下Under the starry night 每天忙过不停的一家人Like a family 童真Simple pleasure 来草原的游人Tourists enjoying the grassland 来自黑龙江的小初穿上了蒙古服装Chu from Heilongjiang tried on the Mongolian dress 草原上最有用的交通工具The most useful transportation on the pasture 牧场主人乐叔叔和住在呼和浩特放暑假的孙子小乐乐The pasture farm owner, Uncle Le, and his grandson, who lives in the Hohhot city, spending the summer holiday in the grassland. 在赶马的乐叔叔Uncle Le herding horses 马儿每天早上由五公里外的马场跑回民宿Every morning, the horses return to the tent site from the pasture 5km away where they spend the night. 在等游客的蒙古马A horse waiting for customers 在草原上骑马People come to grassland to ride 马儿下班跑回马场吃草休息Every day before sunset, horses return to their own pasture to rest 义工收留了走失的小狗The stray dog kept by volunteers 我们每天跟牧场主人和义工们一起吃饭We ate with the pasture farm owner and volunteers everyday 每天早上给羊喝的水Water given to lambs every morning 牧场养了两百多只羊The farm has over 200 lambs 在草原山有无数的小生命One of the countless lives on the grassland 在谈情的乌鸦Crows in love 草原的生活Grassland lifestyle 它们的草原Their grassland 每天躲在我们车下面乘凉的鸡 (北方人叫它们苯鸡)The chickens who hide under our van everyday(The northerners called them stupid chicken.) 我们和小初、小钟还有狗狗十七 Us, Chu, Zhong and the doggie Seventeen 月光下的蒙古包Mongolian tent under moonlight 篝火会,我们帮忙从附近的镇运二十多箱烟花回来,很震撼!Bonfire party, we helped to move over 20 cases of fireworks. Never seen so much fireworks! 每天工作完毕的晚餐Dinner after a hard day’s work Texas 来的 Neomi 帮忙照顾着小乐乐Neomi from Texas helped taking care of Little Le 做饭给我们吃的客人Guests cooked us a dinner banquet 今年缺水,救命雨后的晴天After the life saving rain on the grassland 双彩虹Double rainbows Neomi 去找雨后出现的蘑菇Neomi went mushroom hunting after the rain 清洁刚采摘的蘑菇Cleaning the handpicked mushrooms 又过了一天Another day 牧场主人和动物一起过冬的房子The house where the pasture farm owners and their animals will be spending their winter in 全家福 Neomi Akie 乐叔叔 小钟 李阿姨 小初 五大爷 小郝Family portrait, Neomi, Akie, Uncle Le, Zhong, Chu, Big Uncle Five, Hao 后会有期See you again! 能干亲切的阿姨The kind and very capable Auntie Li 六六大顺旅游接待点 – 乐叔叔 李阿姨 – 电话 13848206753