Ruoergai Xiaman Grassland(若爾蓋轄曼草原) Photo Gallery

Date: July 2024

We had an amazing time in the Ruoergai(若爾蓋) grassland in the west of Sichuan(川西). Our Tibetan friends are so nice to let us experience the real life of the Tibetan nomad and took very good care of us. We are truly amazed by their hospitality. Literally, they open the doors of their homes and let us stay with them as long as we want. Here is some photos of us just arrived at the grassland and spent the first few days in the nomadic tent.

Tibetan friends welcome us with a big feast on our first day arriving Ruoergai(若爾蓋).
Traffic conditions in the Tibetan grassland.
Our friend, Niu Niu, brought her Frenchie all the way from Yangzhou to the grassland, Monkey is really excited to see his old friend Daisy.
Monkey and Niu Niu
This area still has Tibetans practicing their nomadic life raising yaks, Tibetan sheep and horses.
Tibetan friends treated us unbelievably well. They arranged us to stay in a traditional black tent with the nomads and showed us around the area.
The beginning of one of the two main rivers of China, the Yellow River, is also from this area.
Picnic in the grassland.
Each tent is belong to one family. Each family raised their own yaks, sheep and horses.
Yak produces many useful products, premium meats, milk, skin……
It is not easy to preserve their own land, culture and lifestyle.
Working horses

In the evening, the yaks are kept near the tents. Wild animals such as wolves do attack the livestock.
Inside the tent, burning yak dung to keep warm and for cooking.
Dinner time. Even in the mid-summer, it is still quite cold.
Breakfast time, they make congee for us.
Traditional staple food, Tsampa(糌粑). Tibetans have them for every meals, every home must have a set like this.
The yak dung stove is the centre of every home.
First thing in the morning is to milk the yaks.
Our van parked outside their tent.
Our host is a very beautiful charming lady.
Our host is the young couple in the middle, they own the black tent behind.
What a memorable time!
I am practicing horse riding, maybe one day I can help out, maybe.
A traditional tea house in town.

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